Thursday, May 21, 2009


I just had my awesome cousin leave me so I'm a little sad now since she fit right in with our little family and spoiled me rotten with her amazing energy and equally amazing cooking! Jeff and I actually got to go on several dates and recall what it is to be a couple again with time to laugh, talk, have picnic dinners (made by Kristin of course) and catch some movies. Thanks Kristin, you are the best and we could never repay you for what you have done for our family. Love you!!!

So now it's back to the grind although we are never without help these days from family and church family. What would we ever do without you!!! Such a blessing to our lives.

I know you are all dying to hear the updates on Jaimee, so here goes...she is getting better at holding her head up. She can hold her head up for about 10-15 seconds sitting on my lap or holding her up in her bed. Her back and hips are getting very strong, in fact she can lift her butt and back up so I can put on a diaper or clothes, so that helps since she is very tall and bigger than a baby which makes it sometimes awkward. She can also lift her head up and help pull herself up in her bed but she can't support herself yet. The stronger her neck and back gets the better for when she learns to crawl which by the way she is getting ready to do soon. When her stomach is properly bandaged she can roll on her tummy and is starting to find her hand/elbow strength for proping herself up and she can lift and turn her head for a few seconds. Soon after her G-tube is replaced with the Mickie or button tube then she should be able to more easily learn to start crawling. We do prop her on her knees and she does like to scoot forward. She can even stand on her feet and bare weight for about 20-30 seconds as I hold her and we rock back and forth practicing the feeling of standing. We hope her hand and leg coordination come back soon to help aid her in these processes of crawling/walking. Last Sunday I think, Jeff gave Jaimee a cup and helped her learn to drink from it which she did with some practice. In the last couple of days I have worked with her holding a sippy cup and drinking from it. She cannot hold anything yet but we keep practicing. She did learn after about 4 or 5 trys how to sip from the cup. I have been reducing her meds since she has more muscle control and less muscle spasms. After waking up with what looked like a hangover the other day I have now reduced the meds even more. So as she gets stronger she shows us how she is ready to move on. With all the progress we have much to be grateful for and yet I do have those days of lots of tears and sorrow as I see her trying to do things in her therapy appointments that she just can't do (for now). Seeing just how far she has to go and how many years this may take is daunting at times but it's the support and love and encouragement from all around that reminds us to be strong and faithful. I wish I could take this all away from her but she continues to show us just how strong she really is.

As school is tapering off and busy schedules slow down for the summer for all of you and your families we hope you have great plans to enjoy the great weather, take lots of pictures and videos, spend quiet moments together hugging and tickling eachother. We wished we had taken more videos of Jaimee and being the last kid it ended up being the last on "the list". Sometimes we far too often put the most important things at the bottom of the list and let the less important rise to the top of the list.

Love and hugs to all!



KMJ said...

Thank you for this Mardee. I like your optimistic attitude and the advice at the end. Why do I so often need reminders to put what is important first?! It is nice to hear about Jaimee's progress. So great you and your man got some alone time. And your cousin must be REALLY cool with a name like that- and she even spells it right!;-)

Wendy said...

Hi Mardee! I just love reading about your family. You're a rock, my friend. Truly inspiring to me. Sounds like Jaimee is moving along and getting better all the time. How fortunate she is for such great parents, brothers and extended family. Have a great day and know how very many people are thinking of you and praying for you guys!

Tera said...

Thank you for the gentle reminders. And thank you for sharing your journey with us, it is beautiful and inspiring. I continue to pray for her recovery. We love you and think of you constantly. Maybe as school slows down, we can come visit! We'll have to arrange that. Love you!

Mary Lee (Collet) Smith said...

I am so inspired by Jaimee's determination to relearn things and the strength that Jeff, the boys and you are displaying in helping Jaimee to recuperate to the best of her ability. I will continue to pray that each day her ability grows and blossoms; just like a baby's does.
Love you
Mary Lee

Michelle Williams said...

Bless your dear cousin! It is so important for you and Jeff to have some bonding time alone to biuld your strength and feel like a a couple again. Wish I could help with that too!
Thanks for this blog, I am always checking to see Jaimee's progress and how you and Jeff are holding up.
I continue to pray for your family and put all your names on the temple list again on Thur. I Love you guys! Hope to see you this summer.

Karalee said...

It was so great to see her in person on Sunday and see how far she has come. It amazed me how much more she was able to track with her eyes and she seemed to be seeing farther away than before. You are doing an amazing job with her! I hope you take care of yourself so you can continue all the hard work you have to do with her and the boys. LOVE YA!