Sunday, July 5, 2009

Also Check Out The Bird's Blog...

Forgot to mention all that happened in June!  My good friends the Bird's and the Jenk's held a fantastically successful garage sale for Jaimee's medical expenses that aren't covered by Kaiser.  Due to the success of that we are already starting to purchase things for Jaimee to keep her comfortable, safe and always re-learning!  Please go to the Bird's blog on the left of the screen to see the pictures. All the amazing donations took up three homes.  People kept coming all day non-stop!  thanks to all our good friends who gave donations to the garage sale and monetary ones to Jaimee.  We love you all!  Thanks to all the workers who worked all night the day before, the boys who camped out guarding the goods and all those who stayed to work on June 13th.  You all did an amazing job.  Special thanks to Michelle for once again doing what other won't-you are a great friend!  Because of you we will be able to get Jaimee some very needed items to help her continue to progress and to help her at every stage in her growth as she gets closer and closer to walking again.  Love you guys!!!!

Mardee and Jeff

1 comment:

Zachary Bird said...

The pictures are amazing!
I still cannot believe how much people donated.

We are glad we can help your family.