Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This week in just a matter of days we have seen great things happen. Each new day is a waiting surprise for us to see what our beautiful little girl will do and say. Today Jaimee got her hands raised above her shoulders and played with her hair. She also starting making sounds again, ba, da, pa, fa and kinda said "hi". The other day we could swear we heard her say "Hey!" Yeah- Go Jaimee =)


Jaimee said...

That is so exciting...each day is a new experience and blessing for your family. I'm so happy you started a blog. Your little Jaimee has been on our minds a lot and in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Continued prayers and thoughts coming your way. *hugs*

Michelle Williams said...

I saw the photos Sheila recently put on Geni. I love the one of Jeff holding her and Nathan laying his head on Dad's shoulder!!! It encapsulates all the Joy and love you have for each other. If she can be cured with love alone, it will happen!!!
Thanks so much for the updates, we are praying with you for each new success. HUGS!